Date : Saturday, 14 April 2012 Time : 9:29:00 pm ![]() hahah yay im magical!!
Date : Time : 8:45:00 pm ![]() POTTERMORE IS FINALLY OPEN TO THE PUBLIC WOOHOO who cares about homework im going to play it now!!! :D
Date : Wednesday, 4 January 2012 Time : 8:59:00 pm ok even though its alr 4th jan i feel that i need to come up with new year resolutions if not i will end up scraping thru everything like i did in 2011, which is not good >:( ok so here goessss: STUDY-RELATED: 1. follow study timetable!!! stop slacking so much 2. always do homework even if the teacher wont collect or check (especially for math and chem). 3. put phone away when im studying so that i wont get distracted 4. i should try my best to pay attention during lectures/tutorials! stop daydreaming/talking/sleeping 5. its good if i can start doing my homework during breaks so that it wont pile up (this may not work cos i'll end up doing nothing during break...but i shall try my best hahaha) 6. ask for help from friends/teachers if dunno how to do something. DONT COPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7. START STUDYING FOR EXAMS EARLIER!!! DONT STUDY LAST MINUTE!!!!!!!!!(this is a must, must, must. i must start breaking out of this habit!!!) ok i think this is sufficient enough to help me do well for my exams/a levels since i did most of the stuff above during my preparation for o levels and my results turn out to be quite satisfying :) NON-STUDY RELATED: 1. i need to stop bullying my younger siblings (especially my sisters) 2. i really need to stop skipping prayers!! HOW DO YOU EXPECT GOD TO GRANT/FULFILL YOUR WISHES WHEN YOU DONT EVEN PRAY PROPERLY HUH HUH HUH??? 3. dont be such a lazy pig! i should spend lesser time on sleeping. i sleep too much alr lol 4. stop skipping religious classes!!! i need to be more disciplined and not succumb to my own laziness haha 5. dont use the computer unneccessarily (only during weekends then can) 6. i should stop saying vulgarities when i get pissed. its a bad habit haha ok thats all i cant think of anything else anymore. hahaha i hopeeee i'll be able to do all these!
Date : Time : 8:33:00 pm this is now my youngest sister's new favourite song hahahahahh// i cant believe this hindi song is sung by akon! not baddddd
Date : Monday, 5 December 2011 Time : 6:13:00 am Uss yesterday was awesomeeee!! :) thanks to julene we got the tickets for free :D haha we took the battlestar and the mummy ride so many times that we are not scared of them anymore lol. And we took the battlestar in the rain as well! We were so wet and dirty by the end of the day haha. I'm so exhausted now. My neck and feet and back are aching like mad. Haha but I'm happy!!! :) Off to malacca and kl and genting today! Will be back in a week :)
Date : Sunday, 27 November 2011 Time : 9:07:00 pm HAHAHAHA omg this is another funny one hahahahaha the ang moh guy who kissed hirzi is so cute!!!
Date : Time : 8:24:00 pm HAHAHA omg this is so hilarious! love the malay mat rep accent xD 'oprah siape siol?' hahahahhahhah
Date : Friday, 25 November 2011 Time : 9:00:00 pm The 18-year-old says stylists try to put her in mini-skirts and she has been deluged with offers to strip off in films, but vowed: “I’m not just getting my kit off for anyone.” And despite having been romantically linked with notorious Razorlight frontman Johnny Borrell, she claims she would only date a close friend – never a celebrity. Miss Watson currently filming the final installment of the Harry Potter series, believes less is more and that paparazzi would never catch her stumbling in the gutter “with my boobs out and a short skirt”. She said: “I find this whole thing about being 18 and everyone expecting me to be this object… I find the whole concept of being ‘sexy’ embarrassing and confusing. If I do a photo-shoot people desperately want to change me – dye my hair blonder, pluck my eyebrows, give me a fringe.” “Then there’s the choice of clothes. I know everyone wants a picture of me in a mini-skirt. But that’s not me. I feel uncomfortable. I’d never go out in a mini-skirt. It’s nothing to do with protecting the Hermione image. I wouldn’t do that.” “Personally, I don’t actually think it’s even that sexy. What’s sexy about saying, ‘I’m here with my boobs out and a short skirt…have a look at everything I’ve got’? My idea of sexy is that less is more. The less you reveal the more people can wonder.” - yes emma i so agree with you :)
Date : Time : 8:38:00 pm WHEN IS POTTERMORE GOING TO BE AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE? ive been waiting for ages :(
Date : Thursday, 10 November 2011 Time : 6:03:00 pm omg its so damn sad to watch the harry potter cast say goodbye... i cried like mad, especially when emma watson cried :(
Date : Saturday, 5 November 2011 Time : 6:11:00 am Off to malaysia for four days. Happy hari raya haji!! :)
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