Date : Tuesday, 30 September 2008 Time : 8:43:00 pm OMGAHH. HARI RAYA IS TOMORROW!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! im really in a good mood now. :D geog exam this morning was okay. i could remember most of the facts and could answer the questions well. all thanks to sukaa for studying and memorising with me.(: hahahahah. anw, amir already posted the video on the 'haunted house' thingy that we played last time on youtube! HAHAHAH its so retarded but who cares? :D its quite childish but i shall still post it here! the ghosts inside the video are fake anw. its just some of my cousins. HAHAHAHAH. oh oh before i forget, i want to wish all the muslims out there a very happy hari raya! may God bless all of you.(: okay, got to go now! need to clean up my uber messy room for tomorrow. :D
Date : Monday, 29 September 2008 Time : 11:48:00 pm science paper today was seriously.....aiyohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i dunno what to say already. O.o" ahhhhh. but literature paper was okay.(: i just hope that i can score well for lit. gosh. anyway, HARI RAYA IS THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! :D
Date : Friday, 26 September 2008 Time : 10:45:00 pm aaahhhhhhhhhh. history exam today was .............. sucky. i didnt finish the paper!!! ZOMG. im damn scared now. :/ okay im not even supposed to be online, but im just too tempted. :D HARI RAYA'S NEXT WEEK!! im freaking excited! (:
Date : Tuesday, 23 September 2008 Time : 10:47:00 pm OMG! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. ZOMG. okay, whatever. :D
Date : Monday, 22 September 2008 Time : 10:11:00 pm omg hari raya is in like, one week's time? so exciting! :D but, i just want to say that, people who never even bother to fast, or at least respect this holy month of ramadhan, dont deserve to celebrate hari raya. like whats the point? D: hari raya is commemorated to celebrate our achievement in fasting for one whole month, and in controlling ourselves from bad influences etc. so whats the point of celebrating this joyous occasion when you never even fast? :O like, seriously. puasa tak nak, hari raya sibuk pulak. aiyohhhhhhhhh. the past weekend was quite okay luh. saturday went to volunteer at the mosque with filzah again! :D it rocked, man! we got the chance to pack more porridge and distribute them to the people who came. damn gerek. (: then got something happened and filzah was so sad cos she totally missed it! aww.... nevermind still got next week! :P sunday, as usual, went for religious class. wahlao was like super embarrassing for me lah! that ustaz kept picking on me. D: wahlaowei. then blah blah blah. at night went for prayers. (: today was quite fun! at first when i woke up in the morning i was so tired and i slept immediately upon reaching school. (: then after that we did mostly on revisions. haha then during last period me and sukaa were so tired that we started to do alot of crap stuff. sukaa was so retarded that she act like some spiderman and tried to let out 'spider web' from her palms! HAHAHA she did that to saran and her reaction was damn funny. :P then we sang our very own made song to deborah then she go and laugh! so mean. :( then after that took 853 home. (: my life is so boring nowadays. tsk.
Date : Friday, 19 September 2008 Time : 4:39:00 pm ahhh. so long since i last post. have been mugging since wednesday for exams. hahaah. gosh. malay exam was quite hard just now. :/ eeks. im damn scared for my peribahasa answers. its all so confusing that i didnt know which choice to choose. D: ahh whatever. let's not think about all these but instead look forward and prepare for future exams.(: . . . gahh. i want to post some pictures but my bloody comp cant load them up. sooo irritating.
Date : Tuesday, 16 September 2008 Time : 9:25:00 pm haha. pictures! :D SATURDAY'S : ![]() ![]() ![]() while waiting for the bus. ![]() SUNDAY'S : ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() & here are the retarded photos that me and cenyun took during music! :D HAHAH RETARDED. :D
Date : Monday, 15 September 2008 Time : 11:58:00 pm bleh. its been three whole days since i last post. :D SATURDAY nothing much actually. went to volunteer our services at the mosque with filzah :D so we did some packing of porridge etc. finished at around 3+ so i went to wait at the busstop with filzah for her bus. while waiting, we took a lot of photos! (: after her bus came, immediately walked home. then at night went for prayers with mum and younger siblings at the mosque. SUNDAY sunday was fun, man! :D cuzzies from kl came at 10+ in the morning. cant spend time with them at first as i had to go for religious class which starts at eleven. :( haha so after going for religious class reached home around 2.30 and we slacked and crapped together! XD so fun! after that we were so bored we just watched some random videos on youtube. heheh. then at four plus syahid came and i showed him that bloody msn conversation. i hope he would tell his friend off, man. at five decided to get ready to go for break fast at our uncle's house. reached there at 6+ and slacked around to wait. then after performing maghrib prayers then we started eating. woah the briyani damn nice! :D most of the people were there; including my uncles, aunts and cousins! i just looooovvvvveeeeee family gatherings, man. and i love big huge families, more fun! small families so boring. :O the more the merrier!(: heheheh then after that took lotsa pictures and played lame games such as 'haunted house' with all the younger cousins. very fun! we created our very own 'haunted house' and we used a room(preferably a dark one). then some of us will be the 'ghosts' and we will stay in the room. the lights in the room will then be switched off and people will come in grp by grp. so the 'ghosts' inside the room will then scare the people! HAHAHA. after that we just slacked around and talk crap and only went home at 11. :P gosh. i cant wait for hari raya and other family gatherings! :D TODAY today was such a restless day for me. i felt so tired and so not in a school mood. D: and the subjects today are super boring. d and t, two periods of science...yucks. during all these boring lessons, i was daydreaming and my mind just drifted away to all the past years, where we went for holidays together as one huge family with all the cousins and relatives; and when i said HUGE, i really meant it. hahah. i still remember when we cousins were still young we will always play together during our family holidays in malacca, slept together and even bathed together(teehee!). when we used to have barbeques together, went to the beach and just have fun, played and sat in people's wheelbarrows like nobody's business, played sparklers together, went to the chinese uncle's shop and always made fun of him... awwww..past memories(: not that we are not enjoying now, just that life is more fun and enjoyable when you are young and carefree, with no responsibilities whatsoever. :D hahaha. anyway after school our av seniors kind of like 'interviewed' us for the COALS thingy. quite okay lah..not that scary. :D then after that went home with sukaa. and i just got home from prayers now. okay; not really actually. NOTE : pictures will be posted on the next post! :D P.S: im not even supposed to be here. im supposed to be mugging. D: but, i just dont feel like. hah. oh yah, and you know what? some people just..suck.(:
Date : Friday, 12 September 2008 Time : 10:22:00 pm yesterday's science lessons are all so pissing. cos i did not understand a single thing that mr chui taught us about reflection refraction thingy. he was so irritating i dont even feel like listening to him-.- so me and sukaa entertain ourselves by talking crap and making clay bears! we even became part time song writers and create crappy songs. and by the time we finished doing all that, class was over! :D maths, as usual, was quite fun, cos mr tay never fails to share with us some lame jokes. :P like CGSS stands for Clever Girls Secondary School? :D but i dont think im clever-.- got some for other schs also, but shall not mention it here(: hahahah then during recess slept like some pig in class. wah so nice and refreshing. then blah blah blah last period science again and we were so bored and couldnt understand anything so we just slacked ard. hahahah and today was fun man! even more fun than wednesday. :D we got ALL our uniform parts back! thats a good start for the day. :D but at first lessons quite boring luh. got science, AGAIN. he got pissed with us cos we nvr hand in work and starts talking about how he taught his students in his old sch and tt his students were so motivative blablablah. then he say he triathlon runner lah. like i interested to knw like tt.-.- i was sooooo bored, somemore sukaa nvr come then i have no one to talk to. lol. so the time past more slowly than ever. then after that pe. wah even more boring; can sleep i tell you. two periods of some health talk at kolam ayer cc. then mt did oral and it was sucky D: then maths then assembly! lucky assembly quite nice, not like some boring talks or something. after school immediately chionged on stupid dnt. we completed the whole thing at 3+. so met glennis and we walked together to the canteen for NIKE's study/games/bonding session! :D at first we studied and revised our work in the canteen, then like one hour plus later decided to play 'hide and seek'! DAMN FUN! jorina and dini were the first catchers so me and sonya went to hide. we so clever hide behind the hall there but after a few minutes later we got so bored that we went to the classrm block cos nobody even knew tt we were there. then jorina's voice was so loud tt i could hear her frm the first floor saying 'izzah at third floor!' so me and sonya quickly ran away. HAHAHAH. overall throughout the whole game me and sonya were caught two times. i think its more fun being a catcher lah. at least can walk walk slowly. then we went around searching for the others then yingxin, waihan, julene, zunairah azwyn so loser all hide in 2O! somemore talk so loud so easy to knw lah! :D then the second time we became catchers was went zunairah and azwyn caught us. they told us that waihan they all hiding near the np store there so we went there! then after that no mood to play alr so we just sat down there talk talk and took pictures. then after that the rest of them came so we took more pictures! and that place got a lot of mosquitos, man. i got like 17 bites on my leg? damn itchy. :O then after tt went home and after break fast, went online. i found out that there are a lot of posers 'posing' on my tagboard. wahlaowei. if you want to pose so much at least dont use my friends' names can? use your own name lah , dude! you want to be tagboard models so much right? then stand out and show yourself lah! seriously. you are just idiots life. spam lah spam all you want. i dont give a damn. just dont use my friends' names can? thank you very much.
Date : Wednesday, 10 September 2008 Time : 11:01:00 pm JULENE is from Nike! says: NO WAIT JULENE is from Nike! says: I SAY THE YO BROTHERS FIRST JULENE is from Nike! says: THEN EVERYONE MUST SAY HUH -jorina- ; has been added to the conversation. IZZAH is from Nike! says: okay WAIHAN is from Nike! says: ok JULENE is from Nike! says: JORINA, WHEN I SAY YO BROTHERS YOU MUST TYPE HUH JULENE is from Nike! says: OK JULENE is from Nike! says: 1 JULENE is from Nike! says: 2 JULENE is from Nike! says: 3 'DINI is from Nike! says: huh JULENE is from Nike! says: YO BROTHERS! WAIHAN is from Nike! says: walao AZWYN is from Nike! says: huh DINI is from Nike! says: huh WAIHAN is from Nike! says: huh YING XIN is from Nike! (: says: huh IZZAH is from Nike! says: HUH DINI is from Nike! says: oops. too early 'JULENE is from Nike! says: AIYAH JULENE is from Nike! says: WAIT DINI is from Nike! says: haha JULENE is from Nike! says: START AGAIN JULENE is from Nike! says: YO BROTHERS! DINI is from Nike! says: jorina YING XIN is from Nike! (: says: loser! DINI is from Nike! says: huh AZWYN is from Nike! says: shutup julene JORINA is from Nike! says: HUH JULENE is from Nike! says: TSKKKKKKKKKK JULENE is from Nike! says: OI YING XIN is from Nike! (: says: huhhh DINI is from Nike! says: eh, jorina havent say JULENE is from Nike! says: START AGAIN sonya has been added to the conversation. JULENE is from Nike! says: SONYA CHANGE YOR NAME sonya says: huh AZWYN is from Nike! says: sonya change your name. 'sonya says: oh JULENE is from Nike! says: HAHAHA DINI is from Nike! says: change your name to ours IZZAH is from Nike! says: eh sonya understand or not JULENE is from Nike! says: EH PLEASE LEH, I WANT A PERFECT HUH JULENE is from Nike! says: YESYES YING XIN is from Nike! (: says: yes! SONYA is from Nike! says: haha JULENE is from Nike! says: OI DINI is from Nike! says: i'm lost JULENE is from Nike! says: CAN EVERYONE JUST HUH DINI is from Nike! says: huh JULENE is from Nike! says: JUST HUH WAIHAN is from Nike! says: huh YING XIN is from Nike! (: says: huh SONYA is from Nike! says: huh JULENE is from Nike! says: WHEN I SAY YO BROTHER IZZAH is from Nike! says: huh DINI is from Nike! says: huh JULENE is from Nike! says: YO BROTHER DINI is from Nike! says: huh IZZAH is from Nike! says: huh WAIHAN is from Nike! says: huh JULENE is from Nike! says: TSK1 JORINA is from Nike! says: huh JULENE is from Nike! says: WAIT DINI is from Nike! says: wth JULENE is from Nike! says: START AGAIN JULENE is from Nike! says: YO BROTHER JORINA is from Nike! says: huh WAIHAN is from Nike! says: huh IZZAH is from Nike! says: huh DINI is from Nike! says: you will never get it right DINI is from Nike! says: huh SONYA is from Nike! says: huh YING XIN is from Nike! (: says: huh IZZAH is from Nike! says: this is so retarded DINI is from Nike! says: muahahaha DINI is from Nike! says: told you so(: IZZAH is from Nike! says: haha JULENE is from Nike! says: OK WAIT JULENE is from Nike! says: 1 JULENE is from Nike! says: 2 JULENE is from Nike! says: 3 JULENE is from Nike! says: YO BROTHERS! AZWYN is from Nike! says: huh DINI is from Nike! says: huh WAIHAN is from Nike! says: huh IZZAH is from Nike! says: huh JORINA is from Nike! says: huh\ NIZA. says: huh YING XIN is from Nike! (: says: huh JULENE is from Nike! says: HHAHAHAHAAHAHA OMG JULENE is from Nike! says: GOOD ONE! IZZAH is from Nike! says: HAHA AT LAST! HAHAHAHAHAH. today is such a fun day! omg, haha. :D during recess we had squad recess, so i went and did my homework. then after they all eat finish, we decided to go up. on the way up, azwyn wanted to pull out ying xin's shirt, but she pulled too hard until 3 buttons dropped out!! HAHAHAHAHA DAMN FUNNY! then most of us already rolling on the floor laughing like shit cos can see ying xin's stomach!! HAHA SO LOSER :P so loser her went up and used safety pins to pin up her uniform. then after school had thrashing session and science remedial. at 4 plus dismissed. thought of going niza's house but in the end i went home instead. :D then ate dinner and chat with nike and maam azrina! (that's the conversation up there) HAHAHA damn funny cos we all have standardised names and julene was trying VERY HARD to make us say 'huh' all at the same time! then we managed to make maam azrina change her name to 'azrina >was Nike's NCO(:' OMG SO FUN! hahahaha then we talk talk talk until now then finish :P HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH. NIKE SO COOL! BEST SQUAD EVER. YAY!
Date : Tuesday, 9 September 2008 Time : 11:15:00 pm nothing much happened yesterday and today. just that term four has started, and i really need to work hard. gosh. im damn scared of EYE D: just now during eng free period, mr chui came into class and scolded the people who nvr hand in the assignments. wah, best. lucky i not one of them. so irritating, go and take away our free period! i want to revise maths somemore. :O then after school today went to do cip at sengkang library with waihan and yingxin. quite fun lah actually, cos its very slack; just need to scan and write dates on paper etc etc. we kept fighting with each other cos all of us want to chop the paper! then at last we did 'black and white' and ying xin got the chance to chop first. :D after all that did a bit of straightening the books and then finish already. so waihan got her one cip hour! ying xin and me so nice; go accompany her! :P then after that went mini toons to buy the gummies. then ah both of them keep stealing my gummies! so now foong lyan better not post my pictures cos i had been so nice to her just now! muahahahahahahah. (see yingxin! i can threaten you also leh.) :D then after accompanying me go mini toons then they went kfc. i didnt go with them cos i scared i will be too tempted. haha. :D so i took 965 and reached home around six.(:
Date : Sunday, 7 September 2008 Time : 10:47:00 pm religious class today was fun, man! :D its so long since ustaz taught us, and its damn fun when he teach lah. he cracked lots of jokes and make us laugh like shit. i even got running nose and stomach ache because of the laughing. HAHAHAH. :D went home and tried to finish up all the leftover homework. but still cannot finish lah! D: theres like one whole stack? how to finish?! god.this suck man. i dont even feel like going to school tomorrow. holiday is so freaking short! arghhhhh. this is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pissing.
Date : Saturday, 6 September 2008 Time : 9:40:00 pm today was area five's games day! :D woke up feeling so sleepy, cos i slept like damn late last night. woah. then after eating rushed down to the busstop and stupid 965 come so slow D: i panicked cos i was scared that ying xin and waihan leave me behind. but after that no choice but to tell them to go first cos the bus is like super slow? then reached serangoon and i got lost. :O i cant find macs and i searched for it for like, 20 mins? lucky my nice squadmates fetch me frm the int and brought me to macs :D after that walked to zhonghua sec and waited for the games to start. some of us played while the rest watched. i nvr even play.just went to support only :D haha. met simin in the toilet. seemed so long since i last see her. atc groupmate (: anw, cedar won first for telematch! for the rest of the games im not very sure. :P but overall, CEDAR WON CHAMPION FOR AREA FIVE GAMES DAY! so proud (: then after that took a long way home cos i was too lazy to walk to the mrt station. so i took 82 with yingxin and waihan, then took 87 and then 965. :D pictures! (: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Date : Friday, 5 September 2008 Time : 10:49:00 pm i know you hate me to the core, man. but please, don't take advantage of me this way. please. why must you do this to me? im tired of waiting for your answers. damn.
Date : Time : 8:32:00 pm haha. today was fun! planned to meet sukaa at nine, but overslept. :O so we met at ten at bishan library. chionged holiday homework, but sadly, i still havent finish most of them :( so sadddd. then thought of going novena, but no time so we just slack at junction 8 and walk around. we went to the third floor to slack, and we found these cute stuffed animals! but we cant ride on it cos we are too old :( HAHA. but we took pictures with it! ![]() just now during break fast my mother said that im getting fatter cos i eat a lot D: i dont want to get fat! but i love to eat, and the food that my mother cook is always damn nice! how to resist? :O who cares. i shall just eat and eat until i look like some balloon then i slim down :D haha. tomorrow's area five games day! exciting! (:
Date : Thursday, 4 September 2008 Time : 9:01:00 pm ![]() wallao. i hate friendster. keep lagging. stupid. it should at least be thankful enough that i care to update my oh-so-dead profile. oh no. but this freaking friendster is not even thankful enough that i spend all my precious time on it. stupidstupidstupid. D: gosh. i know im lame. and dark; according to the picture above. but, who cares. right? okay. LAME. -________-
Date : Wednesday, 3 September 2008 Time : 10:35:00 pm ahhh. i didn't fast since like yesterday? god, i hope i can fast soon. it feels so weird eating when everybody's like, fasting? and now i have to pay back like a lot of days after the fasting month. why must it come now, after like two months? D: so irritating. anwanwanw, i found this on pyzam! so cute right? :D aww! (:
Date : Time : 4:00:00 pm hello. . .. ... .... ..... ...... ....... ........ ....... ...... ..... .... ... .. . im bored. . .. ... .... ..... ...... ....... ........ ....... ...... ..... .... ... .. . bye-bye(:
Date : Time : 11:58:00 am JULENE says: byebye JULENE says: i going out i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: bye. JULENE has left the conversation. a few minutes later.... W A I H A N says: i thought you going out alr i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: no.thats julene i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: haha W A I H A N says: oh W A I H A N says: haha W A I H A N says: i thought is you i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: no.haha W A I H A N says: i hope yx post your pic W A I H A N says: i got tag you i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO! i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: if you ask her post i will kill you also! W A I H A N says: what did you say W A I H A N says: i accidentally leave the conversatiom W A I H A N says: *conversation i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: -.- i said that if you ask her to post i will kill you also W A I H A N says: oh no W A I H A N says: i just tag as that W A I H A N says: i say i support yx i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: okay. good! W A I H A N says: why good W A I H A N says: i say i support yx to post i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: you nvr ask her to post i happy alr W A I H A N says: good W A I H A N says: i shall go and ask her post now i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: see my no very long okay! W A I H A N says: not okay W A I H A N says: they are nice what i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: what is nice W A I H A N says: the pics i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: they are NOT. W A I H A N says: they are W A I H A N says: is gg to be up soon for pop i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: i give you 10 cents you dont post can W A I H A N says: is for entertainment W A I H A N says: erm i am not easily bribed W A I H A N says: is a great entertainment!!! i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: you go read my tag W A I H A N says: ok W A I H A N says: where is your tag i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: got your blog lor W A I H A N says: ok W A I H A N says: -.- i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: -.- W A I H A N says: yingxin's face for you! i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: huh? i dont understand W A I H A N says: as in rmb W A I H A N says: -.- is yx's face? i z z a hSYAKIRAH! says: ohohoh!okay(: WHAT I CAN LEARN FROM THE ABOVE CONVERSATION: 1. waihan is VERY blur. -she thought that i was leaving the conversation instead of julene. -she left the conversation while chatting with me. -she spelled 'conversation' wrongly. -she cannot see her own tagboard. 2. this is foong lyan's new face. -.- 3. i've learnt that i am VERY SCARED of ying xin and waihan now because they threaten to post my ugly photos even though i promised to give waihan 10 cents and to kill them if they did not listen to my orders. apparently they are not scared of me at all. im sad. :( shall go and mug now. ok, bye!
Date : Tuesday, 2 September 2008 Time : 10:08:00 pm *YING XIN! (: says: hello i z z a hSYAKIRAH! <3 says: omgomg did you see ...................? *YING XIN! (: says: no.. i shall see now i z z a hSYAKIRAH! <3 says: HAHAHA OKAY *YING XIN! (: says: holey moley! *YING XIN! (: says: so scary! *YING XIN! (: says: D: *YING XIN! (: says: she's worse than you man i z z a hSYAKIRAH! <3 says: ERRERRRRRR!!!!! i z z a hSYAKIRAH! <3 says: HAHAHA *YING XIN! (: says: shld i post your pics.. *YING XIN! (: says: then can compare! i z z a hSYAKIRAH! <3 says: NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONNONONO NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO NONONONONONONONONONONNONONONONONONO NONONONONONONONONONONONONOONONONONO!! *YING XIN! (: says: haha. I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!! :D
Date : Monday, 1 September 2008 Time : 5:41:00 pm ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() HAHA. i used the computer in the sch comp lab last week and took all these retarded photos. i loveeeeeeee the last picture, man. my nose so big! really look like alien! :D and this video is damn kekek! its our malay project thingy. we acted based on the novel 'to kill a mockingbird'. actually we shoot this thingy quite a long time ago alr. its damn funny cos we nvr even act properly lah! :D HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAAH!
| Profile Izzah 21-Jan Links TUMBLR CEDAR NPCC NIKE azwyn dini hui sian hwee hoon jorina julene niza sonya vijaya waihan ying xin ying zhen alicia charlotte heather lexin mabel taffy ariel saranya sukaasini valerie zhi xuan aliah azritania diana fatin gui yu kai jun ting yee vincent vivien xin yi yu bin zhi yan nurul shahirah jeremy simin archives August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 April 2012
credits layout: sugarxskulls basecodes: munnstars