Date : Friday, 30 July 2010 Time : 10:06:00 pm Omg the weather is so cold, perfect for sleeping. But of course I can't sleep now since there's so much homework to finish. :( Anw, today was the worst sports day in my entire life seriously. It was such a waste of time lah. It was raining throughout. :/ Atikah and I were so bored that we walked around and sat behind the oleander people for a while. The speakers were so near it's like practically blasting into my ears man. But at least the ole people very enthu, unlike us ixora people who don't give a shit haha. Oh, but the best part of today: INCEPTION. We went to watch after we were dismissed, and it was awesome!!! It was so mind boggling and exciting at the same time. This is like the first time i watched a movie that really made me think and focus. Because if you don't, then you won't understand haha. I was so focused when watching it that I left most of my nachos uneaten until halfway through the movie. Actually until now I still don't understand some parts of the movie man. even smart kashmira could not explain to me everything haha. I thought of it for so long until it made my head pain sia, just like how I usually feel when I'm doing math. But unlike inception, maths sucks hahaha. I think I'm gg to research about it on the Internet so that I can understand the plot better. :D oh and I haven't mentioned about the effects yet. It was amazing. I think if I were to rate this movie it'd be 9/10 or something? Maybe not 10/10 since some parts were quite unclear. But it was definitely mind-engaging and worth watching. (: wow, I guess inception is the best movie that I've watched so far...besides titanic of course. titanic is still my all-time favourite. (:
Date : Sunday, 25 July 2010 Time : 11:34:00 pm Today was an annoying day because: 1. I didn't manage to fast because guess what, my wonderful uterine lining decides to break down today. 2. I still haven't start on ss! But at least I studied a bit of bio. (: 3. I STILL CANNOT FINISH ALL THE MATH PAPERS. :( 4. I didn't do any extra English essay!! Mr ravi's going to kill me.
Date : Time : 12:24:00 am Walao what's up with my tagboard it's like filled with nonsense! Go spam somewhere else lah idiots. So annoying. Hahaha.
Date : Time : 12:12:00 am Today was so not a fruitful day. I didn't even do anything productive except finishing my everlasting pile of homework. And thinking about stuff. I spent too much time watching tv today! :( not good. :( but at least it was worth it as nanny McPhee on channel five was really nice. (: anw I know this is kinda late but I wore sari on racial harmony day hehe. It was a good experience but I'm so not gg to wear it again. No offence but it was very uncomfortable haha. And the sole of my heels came off and I had to wear sch shoes. WTF right, I know. Oh, and we took pictures with mrs ou yang!! :D I really hope that tmrw will be a much better day. I want to start studying ss! So far I've only started revising for bio and geog, oh and lots of mathssssss. :( so I better sleep now since it's already so late. I'm planning to fast tmrw! Oh, and there's tuition tmrw morning too. Sighhhhh.
Date : Saturday, 24 July 2010 Time : 4:38:00 pm Everytime that thought struck my mind, I kept thinking that it was a dream. But obviously its not, right?
Date : Monday, 19 July 2010 Time : 11:10:00 pm There was an accident near my house just now. I was happily bathing when I heard a very loud bang. The sound was Scary. I went to check at my brother's bedroom window, and there's like a bus and a car in the middle of the road. Maybe they crashed into each other or something. God, scary sia. Hopefully no one's injured. Anyway, I suddenly felt like going on a flying fox again, like the one for hrc! That one was like six storeys high and the feeling was so nice..damn shiok! At least I'll be able to escape from the stress all around me for awhile, even if it's just 10 seconds. (: but well, obviously that flying fox thingy does not exist somewhere near me right? Sad. :( I'm very scared for o level oral!!!
Date : Monday, 12 July 2010 Time : 11:24:00 pm I have been having tons of homework every single day since the start of term three. I'm dying. :( On the brighter side, world cup. I was neutral actually, and I didn't really support any team. But still, I'm glad that Spain won. (: Haha I kind of knew that spain would win, since I trusted Paul the octopus much more than mani the parakeet. :D I didn't watch the match though, because I knew I'd be bored to death and not understand a single thing. I'm totally clueless about football, seriously. I don't even know what's a midfielder(?) and how the penalty works. Haha the pe lessons spent doing soccer last year had definitely gone to waste then. :D wait, is there a difference between soccer and football in the first place? Hmmmm... Anw, I don't know why but I'm suddenly so addicted to that world cup song from 2AM, number one! I kept listening to it man. Haha it's all mrs lim's fault. (:
Date : Sunday, 4 July 2010 Time : 10:58:00 pm Repent people, repent; before it's too late.
Date : Time : 1:14:00 am My brother is such an ass sometimes. He's only 14 and he acts as if he's some big shot in the house, wanting everyone to listen to him. I don't recall him being like that when he's in primary sch. Sure, he can be really nice sometimes, but he pms ten times more than me man, seriously. He can be nice in one second, and then moody at the next moment. Angsty much? God I can't stand him sometimes. He's like the worse compared to my other siblings. Wait til my pri 6 sister starts pmsing and don't want to listen to me anymore (which she alr does). Then my hse will be even more chaotic, full of overly reacting-pmsing people.
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