Date : Tuesday, 28 September 2010 Time : 8:17:00 pm Omg I feel so guilty for taking such a long nap just now. And guess what, I dreamt that I was pregnant omggggg! :O wtf right, I know. Hahaha. I was so scared lah. It seemed so real that when I woke up I thought I was really pregnant. D: So traumatic sia haha. Serves me right for sleeping like a pig. I shall sleep later tonight, to make up for the time lost. Haha. Anw, I still can't find my a math notes. :(
Date : Monday, 27 September 2010 Time : 11:55:00 pm Today was such a long day. Sucksss. I lost my a math notes omggggggggg!!! Where the hell did I put it?! Omg I hope it's somewhere in my house because if I lose it, i'm dead. Wahlao who's the idiot who took my notes. :( before this I lost my bio notebk and I still can't find it. But who cares since bio just need textbook to study. But a math cannot study using tb! I NEED MY NOTES. For those who accidentally took it or saw it in sch or something pls pls pls return it back to me thank you very much. (: and I'm still not done with my stupid Malay hw. Whatever. I want to sleep now bye.
Date : Friday, 24 September 2010 Time : 6:56:00 am I hate taking the mrt in the mornings. I'm being pushed around and squeezed like some rag doll sia. Annoying.
Date : Tuesday, 21 September 2010 Time : 11:36:00 pm Jalan raya during the weekend was really fun and record breaking! Hahaha. I was out the whole day on Saturday man. Went to the mosque in the morning for hari raya gathering. The only performance that I really liked was the kompang one haha. I loveeee listening to the kompang. Malay weddings would be so dull without it. (: anw, after that we went to pak yahya's house and that to cik idah's house since there's open house. Then after that went johor bahru to aunt jamaliah, Mak net and Mak ai's house! Jalan raya at jb was the best, especially at Mak ai's house. That's because we stayed at Mak ai's house until three am! Damn fun sia hahaha. Watched tv with my cousins while our parents talk. We got to watch like three whole movies from 9.30pm to 2.30am sia. Damn shiokkk. We watched jangan pandang belakang congkak, Malay horror movie, jangan tegur and the game plan that was aired on tv3. The horror movie so scaryyyyyy! And the game plan was so touching omg. I was trying so hard not to cry, it's so sad. and it also makes you go ' sweet.' (': and after watching the movies, we still had time to lie down for awhile before our parents said that it's time to go home. So yeah, reached home at 4am. Damn cool cos that's the first time we reached home so late after jalan raya. Usually for the previous years, the latest would be 2.30am haha. We break record alr. :D the next day we didn't go out cos my relatives from my father's side came to our house. So yeah, we just stayed at home and got lots of duit raya. Heheheh. Yeap, that's all. Omg there's only two more weeks of sch left, and another two more weeks of self study before the mighty o levels!!! $@&/;;($@$-"8?6&@! And mrs lim is going to take over mr chai for ss! :O comments. And talking about mr chai, really hope he gets well soon!! Go mr chai! Don't worry about us kay! We can study on our own so it's okay HAHA. Rest well! :D
Date : Time : 7:38:00 pm Oh my god I feel so sad for mr chai. :( I really hope he gets well soon.
Date : Time : 6:33:00 am I hate matreps and minahreps, seriously. Memalukan nama masyarakat melayu aje. >:(
Date : Saturday, 18 September 2010 Time : 12:21:00 am Okay the results that I got on Tuesday were not as good as I wanted it to be. I really don't like lit now. My marks are like stagnant, no improvement whatsoever since prelim one. For lit, I mean. So annoying. And because of lit, I missed my target by one point. My l1r5 is 14, one point higher than what I was aiming for. I'm so disappointed. :( Sonya is so smart I can't stand it hahaha. Okay lah actually 14 not that bad. I can go nyjc already! Haha not bad not bad! Maybe for o levels I shall aim for a 9? Haha but of course I'll be happy if I get 6 points lah. But that's quite impossible since my ss/lit is horrible HAHA. Aiyah confirm cmi. Neh mind, whatever it is I shall just do my best. (: just one more month left! GO IZZAH! YOU CAN DO IT!!! :D
Date : Friday, 17 September 2010 Time : 9:05:00 pm Thanks for the chocolate. (:
Date : Tuesday, 14 September 2010 Time : 8:27:00 pm i really hate: - chemistry - literature - a maths (my three worst subjects for prelim two) i am so not going to take lit in jc. but i have to take chem and a maths! if not my career options in the future will be very limited. haha.
Date : Time : 6:17:00 am My father is not sending me to school today. :( so since I'm bored waiting here at the bus stop, I shall blog. (: Hari raya was great!! But it was not as great as the previous years' cos I was sick. Sucks man. The day before hari raya I was vomiting like nobody's business non-stop. The day before that I had a mild fever + sore throat. Wah I can't even help my mother prepare for hari raya in peace. Ya so I went to the clinic near my house at first but even after the doctor gave me medicine and injection the vomiting still doesn't stop. So at last I had to spend the night of hari raya eve in Khoo teck puat hospital. -_- it really sucks seriously. After another two more injections plus some drip thingy, then I was okay. So I went home at 4am, slept until 9am, and it was hari raya! Didn't enjoy as much cos I was still suffering from a headache, so yeah, it wasn't as fun as last time. :( Nvm it's okay since I'm alright now! Can go for more jalan raya this weekend. :D anw got back prelim two results yesterday! So far I'm quite happy with my results cos there's loads of improvement since prelim one. (: except for higher Malay, I deprive by one grade!!! >:( it's b4 now. So annoying. When can I ever get a1 for my own mother tongue?! And English also. Forever a B. But the rest were not bad. Haha. I hope the results that I'm getting today would be as good. I want to meet my target. (:
Date : Tuesday, 7 September 2010 Time : 10:26:00 pm Aishah Pulanglah ( ...Sayang Di hari yang mulia ini Ku pohon keampunan Hanya satu yang ku pinta Pulanglah... ) Termenung ku sendiri Memendam rindu tidak menentu Kasih suci murni yang kita bina Hapus hancur oleh kata fitnah Di pagi hari raya Hati sayu mengenang dirimu Mudahnya kau menggantikan diriku Seolah cintaku tak berharga ( korus ) Apakah suratan Aidilfitri satu titik akhir Sekian lama bercinta Kau tiada di hari mulia Keampunan ku pohon Sekiranya aku yang berdosa Pulanglah ku merindui mu sayang Ku menanti dengan hati rela ( jiwa raga ) ( ulang dari korus ) Pulanglah kepangkuan ku oh... sayang Ku menunggu mu di hari raya one of my all-time favourite hari raya songs. (:
Date : Time : 10:14:00 pm omg prelim two results will be out next week!!! :O and o levels is in like, one months time?!?!?! OMGGGGG. im so preoccupied with hari raya and holiday homework that i totally forgot about prelim two results. crap. im so scared. D: okay whatever. two more days to hari raya. (:
Date : Friday, 3 September 2010 Time : 10:37:00 pm school today was interesting! learnt a lot about the exciting careers and stuff. architecture looks complicated hahah. chemical engineering is quite interesting but you need to know lots of chem. eww, chem sucks haha. tourism appeals to my interests the most! (: accounting also, cos the pay very high hahaha. the exhibition was nice too. got tons of brochures and pamphlets sia haha. i wanted to get the brain thingy from NUS!! :( and the 3D thingy from VJC! :( why am i so unlucky all the nice nice things i nvr get hmpph. >:( aiyah but the school should invite MJC also. i really want to hear from them! i dunno why but i really like NYJC after listening to their talk. maybe if my results are not that good then i will most probably consider going there haha. i told my father about this: Me: since all the top JCs all so hard to get in, can i just go to NYJC? and its convenient also. Dad: are you sure? dont go there lah, the school so cheena! HAHA even my father had that misconception! :D haha okay anw i know its kinda late to say this but teachers' day was awesome!!! (: its like the best teachers day that i ever experienced, seriously haha. lucky our last teachers day in cedar was a nice one. (: well, except for the games which was really boring. i nearly slept watching the teachers play soccer. haha no offence but watching the singapore players play soccer during YOG was so much better. :D the KAPAP thingy was interesting. 'thoughtful look', HAHAHA funny funny. but actl it was somewhat similar to the wushu thingy that we had last year, so theres like no point learning the same thing. haha but nonetheless, it was still fun. CONCERT WAS THE BEST HAHAHA OMGGG. MR HUTTON AND MR LEE AND MR RAVI AND THE SUJU DANCE HAHAHAHAHA OMG EPIC SIA. DAMN FUNNY I LAUGHED LIKE SHIT!! oh and i think the video of the teachers dancing was the besttttttt!!! OMG MR CHAI HAHAHAHA. i laughed at him the most hahaha. he's so funny and retarded!!! omg i will really miss him after i leave cedar man haha. all his lame and epic remarks always make me laugh hahahaha. 'PLANT ATTACK!!' during POP: 'WHY YOU ALL CRY NOW AH? YOU ALL GOING OVERSEAS TMRW AH?' HAHA funnyy. i really wanted him to win that olympic award thingy lor. :( haha sad. OH BUT IM REALLY HAPPY THAT MRS KOH WON FOR THE MOST DEDICATED TEACHER AWARD! :DDDDDD haha yayy, i was so overjoyed cos she really deserved it. (: but for the rest of the awards, only three teachers that i voted won. only mr lim, mr chue and ms ng. sad. :( but im glad cikgu didnt win heheheh. shes so annoying. :P and mdm lum is retiring omg so sad. :( she may be super annoying at times but i really like her a lot! she always make math class more entertaining hahaha. im so used to her constant nagging already, and of course, her 'ISHAAA YOU LAZY GIRL WHY NEVER DO YOUR HOMEWORK?' and 'ISHAAA PC ONE, TWO OR THREE?' and her banging on the whiteboard with her marker and her super huge red cross on our papers if we made a mistake.. haha see, she made such a huge impact on my life. (: i'll really miss her a lot when i leave cedar too omgg. :( she cant even pronounce my name properly lah, call me ISHAA instead of IZZAH hahaha. that makes her even more funnier. :D haha okay anw after that went to yishun pri! it was really nice to meet the rest again, along with ms anita and cikgu too. (: i really missed all the fun times that i had in yps. all the epic moments and the prefect duties backstage..brings back lots of great memories. (: haha omg, to think about it, i cant believe i danced in front of the whole sch for teachers day and hari raya in p6 HAHAHA. funny siaa. aiyah but it would be so much better if yps was not merged with peixin. so yeah, i really had a great time with my ex-classmates and teachers! and there were sixteen of us who came, which was not bad! that means its nearly half the class haha. most of my classmates are still behaving the same way they did four years ago man haha. barry was a perfect example. XD and yubin ah, he and his powerful magnetism that can attract hot girls. HAHA wth. :P ![]() ![]() 6 PEACE '06 FTW. (:
Date : Wednesday, 1 September 2010 Time : 11:36:00 am Okay i just want to say this, and I bet I've said this every single year: I HATE PEOPLE WHO DONT FAST BUT WHEN IT COMES TO HARI RAYA THEY ARE THE ONES WHO CELEBRATE THE MOST. Like seriously, wtf. Okay I don't give a shit if you don't want to fast because that's your problem with God, but if you don't want to fast then don't celebrate hari raya lah! Because hari raya is only for those who fast. These people who don't fast ah, when it comes to hari raya they are the ones who celebrate like nobody's business you know! Wah annoyingggggg.
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