Date : Wednesday, 27 October 2010 Time : 5:50:00 pm 2 careless mistakes, 8 marks lost. I'm very very sad. I want to cry.
Date : Monday, 25 October 2010 Time : 11:10:00 am Omg I'll be sitting for the first o level paper in two hours time. I'm freaking nervous omgomgomg. I'm like practically trembling now omgomg. okay I should really calm down, if not I can't concentrate later. O God please help me sit through the examinations with confidence and help me remember all the stuff that I have studied. Amin Amin Amin. Okay I guess this would be my last post until the end of o's. All the best people! Let's achieve the sch's stretch target and get 8.8! (: may God bless us (:
Date : Sunday, 24 October 2010 Time : 10:19:00 am Omg cramps = extremely painful. :( :( :( I'm dyinggggggg.
Date : Thursday, 21 October 2010 Time : 9:21:00 pm Wtf I'm effing pissed right now. Stop putting words in my mouth and accusing me of things that I didn't do.
Date : Saturday, 16 October 2010 Time : 9:08:00 pm i hate staying at home. i always end up slacking instead of studying. theres so many distractions lah - computer, handphone, tv, bed, food etc etc etc. how to study :( if only school's open on sunday, then i'll surely go tmrw. at least there's lesser distractions in school haha. sighhh. O God please give me motivation to study. You are the only one who can help me now. please please please.
Date : Friday, 15 October 2010 Time : 7:38:00 am One thing that I really don't like about us singaporeans is being kiasu. As in, being kiasu in a good way can lah, like in terms of studies and all that, but if it's being kiasu in terms of getting a seat in the train is totally not worth it. I just witnessed this particular scene where the people were rushing and pushing each other like nobody's business just to get into the train and sit. WTF. I didn't join in; I just stood at the back and mind my own business hahaha. Wahlaowei they want to run in for what? If you get the seat then lucky for you lah. But if you don't get then just stand lor, will die meh? Tsk. -.-
Date : Saturday, 9 October 2010 Time : 9:45:00 pm I LOVE CEDAR. <3 today was graduation. :( i expected everyone to cry today actually, but i guess we cried so much yesterday that we have no more tears to shed today haha. but mrs ou yang and some of the teachers cried during the finale. i feel so sad. :( and seeing mr chai in the teachers' day dance video made me even sadder. oh gosh i really hope he's better now. i got so many letters and gifts from people! i feel so mean and guilty for not giving anything. nvm after o levels i'll give okay, promise! if i forget must remind me. (: thanks a lot for the gifts! & thank you so much for the carebear, keychain and letter. (: and cikgu, mr eng and mr lim are so sweet.(: they gave us graduation gifts! i really appreciate them for all the effort that they had put in. thank you so muchhhh. (: i'll really treasure all the fun moments and memories that i had in cedar. i'll keep them etched in my mind forever. (': there's really no words for me to describe how wonderful cedar is, where strong friendships are forged and close ties formed. the place where i really matured from an innocent pri six girl to an even more innocent sec four girl HAHA. the place where i gained lots of experiences, both good and bad ones. the place where i spent more than twelve hours in each day. the place where i get to spend my time with the teachers and friends that i love. in other words, cedar's practically my second home, literally and figuratively hahah. the past four years have been amazing. i remb how guai i was in sec one omg hahaha. with that bloody long skirt and glasses and cedar socks omg ewww. my form teacher was mrs franklin then. (: the seniors at that time were really nice too. i remb once when i was sick at the sick bay. i vomited in the sink right in front of this sec four girl, but she didnt even feel disgusted. she comforted me instead and asked me how i was feeling. aww, i was so touched. (': i didnt know her name though. :/ sec two was just as awesome. <3 the sec two learning journey was really fun! and of course, all the outings that i had with sukaa plus hide and seek sessions with nike! and i guess sec two life was the least stressful HAHA. i was slacking the whole year lah pls. everyday after sch go eat or play. didnt study at all except the day before exams hahaha. damn shiok heheh. sec three was really stressful. what with cca commitments plus an increase in the number of subjects, i nearly died seriously. i remb reaching home at 7+pm almost every single day. :( and by the time i reached home, i would be so bloody tired that i will just sleep without studying or doing my homework. then i'll just copy hw from my friend the next day or sleep during lessons. oh god, i feel so guilty. :O i was really flunking my subjects then seriously. but sec three life was enjoyable too, with cedar fiesta, ndp, our own planned ac, perak and many more! (: sec three life also made me realise who my real friends were, the ones who would stick by me thru thick and thin, and of course, those people are none other than my beloved nike. (: I LOVE YOU GUYS, REALLY. (: sec four life was surprisingly not as stressful, especially after we were free from cca commitments haha. theres more time to study hahah. even though sec four life was kinda monotonous, with the same thing happening every single day, 4I makes it a whole lot better. (: I LOVEEEE 4I'10(: thanks for always being there; your presence alone makes it all worthwhile. i'll really treasure the moments that we had together as a class; laughing at each other and going thru the mundane days together. i may not be close to you guys or talk to you people that much, but you all had made such a great impact on my life. (: special thanks to pei yan for always being there for our class and always encouraging us to do our best as well as telling us not to be so stressed HAHA. really, i appreciate all the hard work that you had put in for our class. (: special thanks to nooramma too, for being an awesome table partner who's always there to support me and guide me through. thank you so much for guiding me in math, the subject that im really weak in haha. you have always been patient with me, even when the math questions that i asked were really easy sometimes hehe. :P not forgetting, i wanna say thank you to all the marvellous teachers that have taught me so far, from sec one all the way to sec four! (: and of course, all my cca teachers too! (: the teachers have really made my world go round and made life more meaningful in cedar, even though they do make me get pissed off sometimes hahah. the teachers too of course, have never given up on me even though im quite 'naughty' sometimes, ponning remedial and all those stuff hehe. they too, constantly give us encouragement and moral support, forever claiming that 'impossible is nothing'. impossible IS nothing i guess, especially with sheer hard work. (: i really hope the sensational class of 2010 will meet the stretch target and make the teachers proud. (: we can do it!! :D okay i guess i've said thank you to everyone alr haha. im an ex-cedarian alr. :( nvm, its okay, because 'once a cedarian, always a cedarian'. (: heres the song that we sang for graduation: Here we are Sharing our lives We made it through The good and bad times And still we stand With hope in our hearts No matter what We will play our part And now we've come so far One chance to touch a star Go higher and higher Find your guiding inspiration In a place where dreams are made With a lifetime's preparation theres no time to be afraid Put our differences behind us While we shine like the sun See what we've all become Together we are one oh shit im crying now. this songg is soooo sad. :( well, i guess this is it then. two more weeks to o levels, the final lap. all the best to the sensational class! 8.8 here we come! (:
Date : Wednesday, 6 October 2010 Time : 6:05:00 pm Yesterday we had our last jogging session in cedar! I don't really feel sad cos I have been hating jogging sessions since sec one HAHA. But yesterday's was the best one that I ever had. (: at first I was really dreading it, thinking that it was pointless and useless. But it turned out to be fun! Spent almost half the time laughing at gl cos he was so retarded hahaha. And we cheered so loudly after such a long time. It felt so great to be really cheering again. (: the last time our batch were really that enthu was like what, sec one? Haha. Then after that 4I did Billy banja (sp?) together at the basketball court. (: and then we did Billy banja together as a whole cohort! But it was quite fail cos we only moved a few inches since the circle is too big hahah. But still, it was really nice. (: then after sch we had our last Eng remedial with mr Ravi. :( Today was funny hahah. Got to know the cleanest class award results and our class is forever ranked the last HAHAH. But that's okay, cos that made us who we are, a bunch of lazy people who don't bother cleaning up our own classroom hahaha. I really laughed a lot during TOP sia. The speeches were really hilarious, especially shabrina's one! Had a really good laugh. :D anw, that would be our last lesson together as a whole cohort in the auditorium. :( oh god. :( tmrw will be our last lessons in our classrooms with our classmates. Shall really treasure them haha. I'm planning to take photos with as many people as possible, plus the teachers that have taught me before too! I have two days left to do that. Hope that's possible haha. Anw, I changed my mind. I want to aim for an l1r5 of 8 instead of 9. That's because I want to go speech day next year and get award! (: and that's only possible if I get 8 or below haha. And if I get 8 I can contribute to the sch's stretch target of 8.8 too. (: okay I know it's quite hard but I shall just try my best! Go sensational class of 2010! (:
Date : Time : 12:40:00 am Some people are just so mean and insensitive. :(
Date : Monday, 4 October 2010 Time : 6:45:00 pm my blog is so bare. so here are some of my sec 1 and 2 pictures to make it brighter! (: im also posting these to remind me of the great times that i had in cedar since sec 1. we are graduating this sat alr omg. :'( i'll really miss cedar, a lot a lot a lot. :( ![]() ![]() ![]()
Date : Time : 3:57:00 pm Wow today is the first time in years that I was actually absent from school without a valid reason. Haha actually I wanted to go lah, since it's the last week of sch before graduation. But I was just too tired to wake up in the morning just now, so yeah, hehe. And surprisingly, my parents allowed. Finally I get to 'taste the sweetness' of ponning sch before I graduate HAHAHA. Anw staying at home also quite productive lor! I managed to finish one set of math papers. Haha okay I bet some ppl may think 'aiyah so loser who cannot finish one set of math papers in five hours..everybody can lah'. But for me it's a great achievement since I usually take days just to finish one set hahaha. Okay I better start studying again before my mother nags at me. Byee! (:
Date : Saturday, 2 October 2010 Time : 10:10:00 pm Omg mm lee kuan yew's wife passed away already. :(
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