Date : Monday, 29 November 2010 Time : 10:22:00 pm hahaha this is so hilarious. HAHAHA OMG I LOVE RYAN AND KEVIN.
Date : Sunday, 28 November 2010 Time : 10:56:00 am My mother is being such a bitch right now.
Date : Saturday, 27 November 2010 Time : 10:14:00 pm oh my im so bored right now. theres nothing on facebook. and i finally signed into msn today after 265462564 years cos i was so freaking bored. theres so many people who added me sia HAHA. anw today's open house was quite boring. the performers took damn long to get ready behind the curtains, so annoying haha. oh but ncc was nice (: and where was mrs ouyang!! :/ she should be the one doing the principal's address lah. btw i seriously have no idea what to wear for prom. and why is our sch's prom so late? and our sch so cheapo somemore hahaha. other sch's prom are like at some hotel lah pls. no wonder so many people dont wanna go. hahaha anw i just remembered i had this freaky dream last week where i had nothing to wear for prom. then at last my mother forced me to go for it and i had to wear some ahma dress with teddy bear prints on it omg it was sooo embarrassing hahaha. the dress looked like some pyjamas sia. i remember i was crying so hard in that dream HAHA. anw i want to watch easy a on monday!! a lot of people say its nice. those who are free please come watch with us. if not i have to go solo dating with ying xin hahaha (: ahh shit im dying of boredom. someone please entertain me.
Date : Friday, 26 November 2010 Time : 10:42:00 pm omg it has just been two weeks since the end of o levels but it feels like two months! its really boring sitting at home doing nothing but its okay cos i dont have to study ^^ i've been sleeping at 3am and waking up at 11am everyday heehee so nice. anw my sister's psle results were not as what we expected it to be :/ hahaha but its okay. o level results is in less than two months away btw :O haha anw now i know why theres so many harry potter fans out there because the book is so nice!! HAHA i know im damn lag lah, im only halfway thru the first book now hehe. now i know who's dumbledore HAHAHA. last time i used to wonder whats so nice about harry potter, and now i know why^^ the only harry potter movie that i ever watched is the first one btw, cos i didnt understand the rest hahaha. haha i guess now i have a lot of catching up to do, since they are alr showing HP7 and im still stuck at book one :/ aiyah i should have started reading long time ago right. haha now i sound like some clueless ass who's so outdated when practically the whole world already finished reading the harry potter books. so laggggg. heehee anw im gg open house tmrw^^
Date : Thursday, 25 November 2010 Time : 11:49:00 am PSLE results will be out today! Hope my sister did well. Heehee. (:
Date : Tuesday, 23 November 2010 Time : 8:49:00 pm HAHAHAHAHA OKAY THIS VID IS TEN TIMES FUNNIER. OMG HILARIOUS.
Date : Time : 11:41:00 am I have a bloody huge pimple on my nose!!! >:( how nice.
Date : Wednesday, 17 November 2010 Time : 6:39:00 am Happy hari raya haji! God bless (:
Date : Monday, 15 November 2010 Time : 12:26:00 am OMG IM SO BORED. THERES NOTHING TO DO. i want to sleep but i cant! all my fault for taking such a long nap. ahh i hate this feeling. everyone's asleep and im the only one awake, damn it.
Date : Sunday, 14 November 2010 Time : 2:11:00 am YAYYYY O LEVELS ARE OVER WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! hahahah ive been slacking all the way for the past 24 hours. ahh damn shiok, no need to study anymore(or at least until february)~~~ im as free as the mountain wind!! HAHA. but i keep thinking that i need to go study lah. i dunno whats my problem. when im slacking then i'll be like shit what am i doing, why am i slacking!! then i'll realise eh damn it o levels over lah want to go study for what. anw watched megamind with julene, sonya and ying xin after the paper yesterday! hahah the movie was funny!! laughed a lot :D megamind was the first movie that i watched since august, which was like three months ago sia haha. very long nvr watch movie alr. im looking forward to more movie outings!! <3 yayy and campfire, bbqs, outings with friends/family, holiday trips all coming up soon!! excited!!! but o levels over = more household chores :( now i have no more excuse to escape from doing housework. and my mother wants me to learn how to cook also zomg. she wants me to learn so that i'll know how to cook when im married -.- i was like 'whattt...when im old then i can just go hire maid lah. make my job easier...' then my mother was like 'dont be so arrogant. where got young girl dunno how to cook one' haha sighhh my mother is so lame. hmmm but actually cooking also not bad lah huh, can learn how to cook all the nice nice food! (: anw im not planning to tear my entry proof alr hahaha. im going to keep it as memory :P
Date : Friday, 12 November 2010 Time : 8:25:00 am YEAH BABY SEVEN MORE HOURS TO LIBERATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAHHHHHHHH IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDD
Date : Thursday, 11 November 2010 Time : 11:11:00 pm Do you ever feel like a plastic bag Drifting through the wind Wanting to start again Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin Like a house of cards One blow from caving in Do you ever feel already buried deep Six feet under screams But no one seems to hear a thing Do you know that there's still a chance for you Cause there's a spark in you You just gotta ignite the light And let it shine Just own the night Like the Fourth of July Cause baby you're a firework Come on show 'em what you're worth Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!" As you shoot across the sky-y-y Baby you're a firework Come on let your colors burst Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!" You're gonna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own You don't have to feel like a waste of space You're original, cannot be replaced If you only knew what the future holds After a hurricane comes a rainbow Maybe you're the reason why all the doors are closed So you can open one that leads you to the perfect road Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow And when it's time, you'll know You just gotta ignite the light And let it shine Just own the night Like the Fourth of July Cause baby you're a firework Come on show 'em what you're worth Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!" As you shoot across the sky-y-y Baby you're a firework Come on let your colors burst Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!" You're gonna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own Boom, boom, boom Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon It's always been inside of you, you, you And now it's time to let it through Cause baby you're a firework Come on show 'em what you're worth Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!" As you shoot across the sky-y-y Baby you're a firework Come on let your colors burst Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!" You're gonna leave 'em goin "Oh, oh, oh!" Boom, boom, boom Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon Boom, boom, boom Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon Pop star Katy Perry said she wrote the song Firework to inspire people to stand up to bullies and encourage them to be themselves. The newlywed's new video for Firework is filled with people discovering their inner beauty and proudly stepping out no matter what their critics say. And Katy says she did it to show that there's a beacon of hope for everyone who has struggled to find themselves or who have fought against bullies. The 26-year-old told MTV News at Sunday night's European Music Awards in Madrid: "I think that's why I wrote it, is because I really believe in people and I believe that people have a spark to be a firework." She added: "It's just up to them, and a lot of times it's only us that's standing in the way of reaching our goals, fulfilling our destinies, being the best version of who we possibly can be, so that's why I wrote it." aww i love this song (': its so inspiring <3
Date : Time : 5:33:00 pm ![]() love them <3
Date : Wednesday, 10 November 2010 Time : 4:39:00 pm heheh okay i know im damn lag to post this Kopi Bujang video since tonight's the last KB episode alr, but the song is so addictive!! and haizad looks so cute!! hahaha. the song is like stuck in my mind lah. all the while during malay paper just now i was like 'mim mimpimu..mim mimpimu..masanya akan tiba untuk ku menikmati hidupku..' HAHAHA. i bet that's what atikah was thinking of also heheheheh. i was so bored lah, i finished the paper so early! AHHHH I LIKE HAIZAD!!! he's so good looking (: i regret not watching the drama from the start, all because of stupid o levels lah. nvm its okay, i hope there will be KB season two! <3 ps: the female dancers in the video are damn extra and they dunno how to dance -.-
Date : Monday, 8 November 2010 Time : 11:14:00 am ss was good, thank god (: i was so happy when i see the SEQ questions cos all the themes that i studied came out!! and SBQ was not bad also haha. aiyah i should have studied venice only lah, like the rest of singapore. then i can spend more time on geog. haha but whatever, its over! i really hope i can get A1, can pull up my stupid lit (: k i have to go study two themes of geog now bye. :(
Date : Thursday, 4 November 2010 Time : 11:55:00 am Last night I dreamt that we got our yearbooks already! WAHLAO WHERES MY YEARBOOK?!?! I want to see!!!
Date : Time : 7:33:00 am I don't have the mood to study!!! I feel like slacking all the way until Monday. But obviously I can't cos I got four themes of geog + two themes of ss to study :( This feeling sucks :/
Date : Tuesday, 2 November 2010 Time : 6:15:00 pm "Humans are an unusual species. Among mammals, only humans and great apes - gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans - have menstrual cycles! Other mammals have oetrus cycles. In the oetrus cycle, the uterine lining is absorbed back into the body when it breaks down, instead of flowing out of the body as the menses." oh really? i didnt know that! HAHA. i hope stages in menstrual cycle will come out for essay question tmrw! i can explain that really well (:
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